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Periodontitis and gum treatment
- A comprehensive view of all dental disciplines
- High success rate of treatments
- Dental hygiene as a direct part of treatment
Without knowing it, most of us suffer from gingivitis, which often leads to periodontitis. The cause of inflammation is inefficient oral hygiene. Periodontitis can begin to manifest as slight bleeding from the gums, a loose tooth or, at an advanced stage, even loss of the tooth.
The only way to successfully prevent periodontitis is through proper oral hygiene. Regular preventive check-ups with dentists and dental hygienists are also important.
Among other things, the dentist examines the condition of the gums and the supportive tissues of the teeth. Using a periodontal probe, the dentist measures the depth of the groove between the tooth and gum, called the periodontal pocket, and detects the presence of tartar.
The dental hygienist first teaches the patient to care for their teeth and clean them. If the patient can take care of their teeth properly, only then can we start our own treatment of periodontitis – by cleaning periodontal pockets and disinfecting them. In some cases, surgery is also necessary. The dentist will decide which treatment to choose based on careful examination.
Aftercare is very important in the treatment of periodontitis. The patient should undergo regular check-ups as instructed by the physician and strictly follow the principles of good oral hygiene.