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Teeth whitening
- Gentle and safe tooth whitening method
- The effect is visible after the first application
- Painlessly done in the comfort of your own home
Do you suffer from yellow teeth? Trust in home whitening custom prepared by a doctor to suit your teeth. This method is gentle but also very practical. Thanks to the unique carriers and a special gel, you can whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home.
Everything about home tooth whitening
For treatment to be effective, we must first determine the true cause of the tooth discoloration. If dental hygiene is not properly performed, dental plaque and pigmentation remain on the teeth surface. Sometimes the teeth darken after an injury and the subsequent death of the dental pulp. Home whitening can only affect the actual teeth color.
Tooth whitening is preceded by a preventative examination and dental hygiene. The presence of tooth decay should be avoided and tartar or surface pigmentation removed. Once the teeth are healthy, we can proceed with the actual whitening.
A doctor does impressions of the teeth, according to which the individual carriers are prepared in a laboratory. This ensures that the whitening is uniform and effective. You will take home a whitening kit that includes carriers and gel.
Home whitening from your doctor will help you whiten your teeth more effectively. In addition, you save precious time because you will be doing the whitening yourself at home.