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Laser epilation

Laser epilation

  • The most advanced lasers and technology
  • We have a solution for every kind of hair 
  • The most experienced team of dermatologists in the CR
We remove hair at Asklepion using the laser epilation method, which differs significantly from depilation.  Depilation is the removal of hair from the skin surface. It does not get rid of the roots. Epilation on the other hand removes hair with the root. The laser treatment is fast and even suitable for large areas.  And in addition, you can get rid of unwanted hair for good. We also can perform wax epilation.

laser epilation Asklepion


All of the lasers we use send out a beam that is absorbed by the dark colour pigment of the hair, passes through the upper layers of the skin and destroys the basal stem cells in the hair follicle with heat.  


To successfully remove hair, the procedure must be performed during the growth phase. At any given moment, however, only 30 to 40% of hairs are in the growth phase. Therefore, the treatment must be repeated 4 to 5 times. You should not pluck hairs for 3 to 5 weeks, but you can continue to shave or get haircuts.


For hair removal at Asklepion we use the GentleLASE PRO and GentleYAG lasers and Ellipse intense pulsed light devices (Nordlys, Multiflex, and Flex). Hair colour is important in selecting the right technology. Let us help you find the best system for you.


Thanks to the most modern epilation lasers we are able to remove hair in just about any part of the body: above the upper lip, underarms, hands, legs, in the calf area, groin, genital areas, stomach or back. 

Asklepion Magazine

Magazín 2025 Magazín 2024 Magazín 2023 Magazín 04/19 Magazín 11/18

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