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Remove moles and pigment spots
- Thorough examination by the most experienced dermatologists in the Czech Republic
- Lasers for removal of unwanted pigmentation in minutes
- Fast healing and minimal pain
Do not delay the removal of freckles, pigmentation and birthmarks not only for aesthetic but also for health reasons. Their formation is mainly influenced by genetics and by the sun, which forces cells to produce skin dye (melanin) to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Brown pigmentation can also occur due to sunburn, inflammation, contraceptive use, age or hormonal disorder.
At Asklepion, every freckle or pigment spot is first diagnosed with a dermatoscope. We have the highly intelligent DermoScan X2 full-body scanner with integrated DermoGenius ultra digital dermatoscope that detects even the slightest change in a mole. If it is suspected to be dangerous, the doctor will take a tissue sample for histological examination.
The appropriate method of removal of pigmentation – marks found on the face, hands or décolletage and caused by age, sun or hormones – depends on their extent, location, the patient’s skin phototype and the season of the year. The dermatologist will take these variables into account and suggest a suitable treatment.
IPL is suitable for removal of pigmentation over an area. Can be used on face, hands and décolletage. To increase the success rate, the treatment should be repeated at least twice. Pigmentation darkens immediately after the procedure, then lightens and disappears within 2–3 days. The IPL treatment is also called photorejuvenation, as it evens and brightens the skin tone.
The laser removes any pigment spots and moles in a local area in one session. The targeted pigment spots are broken into tiny particles. White blood cells then remove the particles, typically over a period of 10 days. At Asklepion we use state-of-the-art instruments – Fotona StarWalker picosecond laser, Alex TriVantage and Vbeam pulsed dye laser. Laser treatment eliminates unwanted pigment and blood vessels and rejuvenates the skin. The result is clear and even skin free of brown spots and veins.