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Female genital rejuvenation
- Gives a woman confidence and self-satisfaction
- Emphasis on maintaining sensitivity in the intimate area
- Experienced interdisciplinary specialists and state-of-the-art procedures
Genital rejuvenation is a complex rejuvenation of the intimate parts that corrects vaginal laxity and the lack of perineum support usually caused by vaginal births. It restores the vagina to its original shape and functionality, adjusts the vaginal entrance and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and perineum area. During surgical genital rejuvenation, the size and shape of the labia can be adjusted and any hyperpigmentation can be removed.
Genital rejuvenation combines several procedures of plastic gynaecology: vaginal strengthening (vaginoplasty) with adjustment of the vaginal entrance, involving the skin, mucous membrane and possibly deeper layers and perineoplasty.
Genital rejuvenation takes place under general anaesthesia and lasts about one hour. A plastic gynaecologist narrows and strengthens the vaginal wall and vaginal entrance and performs perineoplasty. If necessary, episiotomy scars can be corrected.
After the procedure, you may experience transient pain in the lower abdomen. A few days after discharge, minor bleeding, tenderness and slight swelling may persist. Follow a resting regimen for one week after surgery. Sexual intercourse can be resumed in four weeks.
In less severe cases, non-invasive genital rejuvenation can be performed by laser in combination with the application of hyaluronic acid. The laser heats the mucous membranes, leading to the regeneration of tissues and mucous, the formation of new collagen and an overall improvement of the treated area of the internal and external genitals.
Strengthening of the vagina and strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles is also achieved by the EMSELLA non-invasive electromagnetic treatment.