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Hip and buttock liposuction
- Combination of tumescent, vibration-assisted and radiofrequency-assisted liposuction
- Significant results and slimming of the figure by several dress sizes
- Skin tightening and cellulite smoothing with BodyTite radiofrequency-assisted liposuction
Even an overall slim person can have bulkier buttocks, hips or both, which is due not only to lifestyle or diet, but also genetics. The most effective solution to these imperfections is liposuction, which immediately and permanently removes excess fat from a particular problem area.
Liposuction is suitable for patients who do not have major problems with overweight, but suffer from body asymmetry or who have tried in vain to lose weight in the buttocks or hips. With liposuction, we are able to remove as much fat as if a kilogram bag of flour were removed from each buttock.
Buttock reshaping with plastic surgery and liposuction is not suitable if you are obese. Exercise and a healthy diet are the first step in a transformation that everyone should try without the help of a doctor.
During buttock surgery, we use a vibrating method of liposuction, in which the device actually drives out excess fat cells. This is excellent in combination with radiofrequency-assisted liposuction BodyTite, which tightens the skin above the treated area. It is recommended for those of an older age, with poorer skin quality.
The liposuction cannula is inserted into the skin in small incisions up to 1 centimeter long. The surgeon chooses places that are easy to hide with underwear or swimwear. Scars, however, heal very well.