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Lipotransfer – fat transfer
- Our experience confirms an 80–90% stability of adipose tissue after transfer
- We use the latest technologies for fat extraction and treatment
- We will always recommend the option most suitable for you
Do you want a smaller waist and a bigger bust at the same time? This and much more is possible with a revolutionary method of liposuction called lipotransfer. Lipotransfer is a unique way to get rid of unwanted fat in places where it does not suit you and use it to fill in other areas where it will flatter you.
Lipotransfer is ideal for those who need to reduce some fat in some areas, such as on the hips, and use it on other parts of the body – to fill in wrinkles or for breast modelling or even enlargement.
Lipotransfer takes place under general anaesthesia and takes approximately 2–3 hours. We suction excess fat from the selected area with liposuction. Then we separate fat and stem cells from unnecessary and undesirable substances. The patient's own treated fat is then applied by small injections into the breast, buttocks or face.
Using the Cytori Puregraft system increases the number of cells that take hold in the body. The body’s own cells are easily accepted by the body, as their application takes place only through small injections into the skin. Recovery takes a very short time (1–2 weeks).
Human fat is the best implant because the body receives only its own cells. In a single procedure, we slim problem areas and fill in areas where fat is lacking. The main advantage of liposuction in combination with breast augmentation is the natural appearance.