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Tumescent liposuction
- We combine tumescent, vibration-assisted and radiofrequency-assisted liposuction
- The combination of methods and the experience of our surgeons equals perfect results
- Tumescent solution relieves pain and bleeding
Worried about fat pads that you can't get rid of? Learn more about modern liposuction methods as performed by our specialists at Asklepion. Together we will find the best and most sensitive solution.
Liposuction is not a method that reduces excess weight. Skin elasticity is also important for good results. The total amount of fat extracted during one operation should not exceed 2000–3000 ml because of potential health complications.
One week before liposuction, turn in results of the laboratory and internal preoperative examination. Three weeks before surgery stop taking drugs that affect blood clotting. In the 2–3 weeks before surgery you should not have an acute illness and smokers should stop smoking for a while. Smoking significantly slows the healing process.
Tumescent liposuction is performed under local or general anaesthesia depending on the extent of the surgery. The surgeon infuses the pre-marked areas with a tumescent solution that contains medications to relieve pain, bleeding and the formation of acid waste products.
After liposuction, a 7–10 day resting regimen at home is required. Wear elastic undergarments continuously for six weeks after surgery. About 2–3 weeks after surgery, you can start performing pressure massages as recommended to accelerate healing. Sport and physical exercise can be resumed six weeks after surgery.