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Plastic surgery of male breasts - gynecomastia
- Surgery with minimal pain and optimal results
- First-rate postoperative care
- Discreet environment and professional approach
It is not just women who are dissatisfied with the appearance, shape or size of their breasts. At Asklepion, we will also help solve aesthetic deficiencies for men who most often come to us for overdeveloped mammary glands (gynaecomastia), which are solved by a plastic surgery procedure called gynaecomastia surgery or male breast reduction.
Gynaecomastia is a condition in men in which, due to hormonal imbalances, the breast gland grows to a size similar to a woman's breast. Gynaecomastia is often associated with obesity, where fat is deposited on the enlarged gland.
During gynaecomastia surgery, the entire mammary gland must be removed. The procedure occasionally needs to be supplemented by liposuction – removing the fat from the subcutaneous tissue around the gland.
The surgical incision is made around the areola. For procedures of smaller scope, an incision in the lower half of the areola is sufficient. For procedures of larger scope, the skin over the breasts is also reduced and thus incisions must be made circularly around the areola and sometimes vertically under it.
After surgery, a 7–10 day resting regimen at home is required. The elastic bandage and elastic undergarment must be left on for 4–5 days after surgery. You can then shower, but continue to wear the elastic undergarment. The sutures are absorbable; it is not necessary to remove them.