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Plastic surgery of the labia
- Discreet environment and friendly approach to women of all ages
- Gentle plastic surgery with lasting results gives woman confidence
- Elimination of functional difficulties and discomfort
Each woman's external organs are shaped uniquely. There is no such thing as a "correct" vulva. Nevertheless, many women complain that their enlarged labia cause discomfort, for example, when cycling, wearing tight pants or having sex. Plastic surgery of the labia (labiaplasty) is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon adjusts the size and shape of the labia, thus eliminating aesthetic and functional imperfections.
Before surgery you will have a consultation with a plastic gynaecologist, who will evaluate the condition of your external genitals. Together you will decide on the desired shape and size. For milder difficulties, labia reduction can be performed non-surgically with the Protege Intima radiofrequency device.
Labiaplasty is performed under general anaesthesia. During the procedure, excess tissue is removed and the area is stitched closed in several layers with absorbable sutures. Incisions are made in such a way as to minimally damage the nerve endings in this sensitive area.
After the anaesthesia wears off, you may experience a temporary period of lower abdominal pain. Slight bleeding, discharge, tenderness and slight swelling of the labia may persist for several days after surgery. After the procedure, it is necessary to follow a resting regimen for one week. Sexual intercourse can be resumed four weeks after surgery.
Some women (mostly during menopause) suffer from asymmetry or flaccidity of the labia minora and majora. This problem can be gently solved in just a few minutes by applying a filling material with a base of hyaluronic acid.