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Online video consultation

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Consult with a plastic surgeon online during video consultation.

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Plastic surgery of the vagina

Plastic surgery of the vagina

  • Experienced interdisciplinary specialists and state-of-the-art procedures
  • Strengthening and narrowing of the vagina including the elimination of stress incontinence
  • Improvement and intensification of intimate experiences

Plastic surgery of the vagina (vaginoplasty) strengthens and narrows the shape of the vagina to match its original state. As a result, the vagina is rejuvenated and re-sculpted, eliminating stress incontinence. These positive changes often lead to increased self-esteem and quality of life. The woman also enjoys improved sensory perception and stimulation during sexual intercourse. Vaginal strengthening is also performed non-surgically on a smaller scale using lasers.




Due to spontaneous births or to ageing, the vaginal walls begin to sag, which can also lead to uncontrollable leakage of urine (stress incontinence). Vaginal surgery solves these problems. Vaginoplasty can be combined well with surgery of the vaginal entrance and perineal muscle modification (perineoplasty) or modification of the labia (labiaplasty). 


Before surgery you will have a consultation with a plastic gynaecologist, who will evaluate the condition of the vagina and vaginal entrance and recommend an appropriate procedure. The doctor will also explain how the vaginoplasty and subsequent recovery will proceed and what improvements can be expected from the procedure.


Vaginal surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and requires a one-day hospitalization. The gynaecologist removes excess tissue, including muscle, and sutures the area with absorbable stitches. The gynaecologist will also narrow the vaginal entrance and correct episiotomy scars.


A few days after the procedure, you may experience pain in the treated area, which can be relieved by common analgesics. We recommend using cool compresses on any swelling. Be careful to keep your intimate areas very clean. It’s essential to follow a resting regimen for two weeks, after which you can return to normal activities.

Asklepion Magazine

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