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Sclerotization of varicose veins
- Ambulatory version
- Fast procedure with minimal pain
- Inexpensiveness
Do you suffer from minor varicose veins and spider veins on the thighs, calves or ankles? Arrange an examination with our varicose veins specialists and undergo sclerotherapy (sclerotization). This simple treatment can even be done during your lunch break.
The most appropriate treatment method is determined by a vascular surgeon based on a careful ultrasonographic examination. We treat varicose veins up to 6 mm using sclerotization.
The principle of foam sclerotization consists of applying a substance to the varicose vein in the form of a foam that destroys its vascular lining and causes artificial inflammation - the vein thus treated is dissolved in the body after several weeks.
Sclerotization is a gentle ambulatory method that will only limit you in normal activities minimally. Small veins disappear literally in front of your eyes during treatment, bigger ones within a few weeks.
Compression stockings, that affect the healing process, are recommended to wear for 3 weeks after sclerotization. Only take them off for a while during hygiene.
Sclerotization of varicose veins - FAQ
What causes varicose veins?
Varicose veins are produced by increasing venous pressure in the superficial venous system as a result of backflow from deep veins through the non-closing venous valve, the so-called reflux. In layman's terms, the blood ceases to flow in one direction and returns. There is increased venous pressure in the superficial veins, and varices consequently arise. Both genetics and lifestyle - little movement, sedentary work, being overweight, hormonal contraception, smoking, and the number of pregnancies have an influence on whether or not varicose veins appear.
How is the initial examination by a vascular surgeon performed?
The basics include an interview and finding out what the difficulties are. With exaggeration, treatment occurs through merely a handshake. This is followed by a detailed ultrasonographic examination, where we look for the exact cause of the difficulties and the formation of varicose veins. Then we can tailor the appropriate treatment. At the same time, patients are interested in the expected success. We talk about possible complications and put together the realistically expected result. The procedure itself is predominantly outpatient, only under local anesthesia or, in the case of using glue on the veins, completely without anesthesia.